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Alumni Educators

Help your students explore educational and career opportunities available through the University of Northern Colorado.

Our alumni - you - are educators in schools around the state, country and world.

As alumni educators, you represent the university every day and are integral to building UNC's brand and reputation in K-12 schools and school districts.

The Alumni Educator program is our opportunity to thank you for representing your alma mater and encouraging your students to consider UNC as a first choice college.

Request an educator packet and a team member will follow up and send you UNC promotional material - think of it like a UNC care package for your classroom. A thank you from UNC and your alumni association.

While you wait, join us and fellow alumni educators on Facebook.

Once a Bear, Always a Bear


2023-2024 Educator Packets

Make sure that we have your updated contact information in preparation for the next school years.

Email your name, position, school/district to alumni@olmmxck.com and include your preferred mailing address.